Suga's Roots
Suga manufactures premium quality yoga mats in the USA from 100% recycled wetsuits. The name Suga evokes the two worlds it straddles. Suga was born, raised, and thrives in the capital of both surfing and yoga: Encinitas, California.
Suga was born out of necessity by a lifelong surfer and yoga practitioner who was seeking a solution to an enduring problem. While surfers enjoy a unique bond with the natural environment, we struggle to reduce our environmental footprint. Non-biodegradable neoprene wetsuits present a unique challenge in this regard. Suga worked extensively with engineering experts to recycle these petrochemical based landfill clogging neoprene monsters into highly functional instruments of yogic bliss.
Suga's Values
Suga is grounded in a culture of environmental stewardship. We seek to set an example of corporate sustainability and social responsibility. We engender these values by reducing the impact of neoprene wetsuits on our natural environment, creating a long-lasting product, and maintaining responsibility for the lifecycle of our products.
If corporations are afforded personhood by law, we believe they should be held to the same ethical standards as humans. To that end, corporations should take responsibility for their products from cradle to grave.
Suga has created a product using recycled materials that can and will be recycled at the end of its useful life. We have implemented two programs for our products, both of which allow our customers to return our used mats to us for recycling. We are also a proud member of 1% for the Planet.

100% Recycled and Recyclable